Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Map of Oregon and Washignton

This is a map I made for my map design class.  The Assignment was to create a map that showed some part of the U.S. and used a point, line, and polygon feature provided by the instructor.  The background is an image courtesy of Tom Peterson.   For my map I choice to display features associated with people in the Pacific Northwest.  The features I used were, roads, urban areas, and cities.  I choice to keep my design simple by using red for roads, grey for urban areas and dots for cities.  To indicate the relative size of the urban areas I varied the size of my labels.  I also want to distinguish Interstates from state highways, so I used the standard road shields.  One thing I would like to change about this map is the color and font I used for labeling the cities.  Its hard to read some of the labels over the background.  I would also lighten the background image (when print the background is vary dark). 

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