Thursday, September 11, 2014

Foss4G /WhereCampPDX

This week FOSS4G is holding it's annual conference in Portland OR.   Do to my lack of planning and busy work schedule  I haven't been able to attend any of the events, but several of the workshops were held just down the hall from my office at PSU. 

For those of you who don't know what FOSS4G is here's a description from their site:

"The annual FOSS4G conference is the largest global gathering focused on open source geospatial software. FOSS4G brings together developers, users, decision-makers and observers from a broad spectrum of organizations and fields of operation. Through six days of workshops, presentations, discussions, and cooperation, FOSS4G participants create effective and relevant geospatial products, standards, and protocols.
FOSS4G has been held all over the world and draws attendees from over 40 countries. Nottingham, England hosted the conference in 2013. In 2014, Portland, Oregon, USA will host FOSS4G’s tenth year." (

And below is a link to the maps that have been submitted for their map contest.  I encourage you to take a look.  These maps were made using open source software and open source data.

On Friday after the FOSS4G comes to a close a weekend event called WhereCampPDx will be kicking off.  WhereCampPDX is a free "nonconference"  where those in attendance get to select what topics are covered.   "Popular topics include social cartography, software and hardware, context awareness, mobile experimentation, humanitarian mapping efforts, food webs and local food transparency, transit, psychogeography, geo games, paper maps, and place hacking."
check out their site at

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